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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  November 2, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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time. cheryl conner has the latest. >> reporter: you can imagine police say the victim is having a hard time but they're trying to work with her to gather evidence. a news conference just wrapped up about an hour ago. police say a woman in her 20s was out jogging in fells point between 5 and 7 this morning when a man armed with a knife pulled her down and raped her. spokesman anthony deyoung said the suspect was armed with a knife. he's not saying if the victim was also stabbed. the rape happened in fells point but he's not certain of an exact location. he's hoping to confirm that through surveillance cameras that are in the area. he said the victim is having a tough time, so she has not been able to go out to the location to help with the investigation. all we knee at -- know at this point is that a rape suspect is on the lose, that he is an adult man armed with a knife and
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possibly wearing a mask. the victim said it happened in fells point between 5 and 7 this morning, certainly information we'll be gathering as we go through the night. cheryl conner, abc2 us. >> they will be following the story at 6 and 11 tonight. that crazy commute became more hairy if you were traveling in cecil county over the hatem bridge. >> a water main break forced a closure. >> reporter: the water main break along route 40 was reported thursday evening. about 2:30 in the morning they had to shut down the road. an estimated 27,000 cars cross over the hatem bridge each day. >> i would come down 222 to route 40 and realized we couldn't get across the bridge.
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>> reporter: the westbound lanes over the susquehanna refer were closed after -- river were closed after a water mane broke. >> shut the main down. havre de grace mayor wayne dougherty said a 53-degree shiest in temperature -- shiest shift in temperatures along with hurricane sandy caused a breach in the ground. >> there's a hole in one of the old lines. where they found the break was in the bottom. evidently over the years it has been working and working and working and spinally got to -- finally got to this point. >> reporter: traffic was diverted to both interstate 95 and route one. >> an inconvenience having to come 95 to havre de grace and get off way up on the hill and
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come into town. >> reporter: locals say the detour only cost them about 10 minutes. mayor dougherty said even though it impacted the morning commute, motorists took it in stride. >> no complaints. >> reporter: for all of the inconvenience for commuters. it appears the water main break had no impact on any of the residents in the area. no one lost water service. reporting in havre de grace, jeff hager, abc2 news. workers completed their work a few hours taig and the -- ago and the road has been reopened. a water main break in the city closed an elementary school. water started gushing on york road and york -- gill ford. when the main first broke people from a nearby church had to be evacuated. a 12-inch water main break
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is felled. it happened in the 1800 block and affected morgan estate university for -- state university for several hours. you can always count on abc2's time saver traffic, 24/7. did there for instant maps and even the lowest gas prices in your neighborhood. clouds continue to flow into maryland, but we have seen at least a few breaks of sunshine. you can see that flow from the north and west. temperatures have been struggling to get out of the 40s for much of the day. just a couple of isolated showers. i think we'll stay dry tonight. temperatures across the center part of the state now in the upper 40s. this evening through the 40s, eventually to the 30s tonight. will we warm up?
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we've got them coming up. could use a little calm weather after sandy. while sandy wasn't a direct hit for maryland, all that preparation did not go to waste. >> abc2's brian kuebler is here to explain. >> reporter: maryland was quick to step up and provide help. while many were on standby, it never came. many local governments responded sending manpower and equipment to the western edge of our state and north to jercy. all in all maryland has provided 33 pieces of emergency -- 30 pieces of emergency pieces. >> we were prepared both internally and with external assets to be prepared for a direct hit. the blessing is we did not
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receive that. now we're able to use some of our oin resources to support other states and parts of hour community in western maryland. >> howard, talbot along with washington city are among those sending aid. brian kuebler, abc2 news. there are some stories of loss coming out of new jersey and new york in the wake of superstorm sandy, but one terrible story grabbed everyone's attention a mother and her two toddlers were stranded in a staten island neighborhood after the suv got stuck. the mom said she was holding on for dear life and knocked on a house pleading to be let. she was turned away add her sons were washed away. the bodies were found a quarter mile away. they questioned a man in the
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home where the woman said she was turned away. he said he never saw her only a man who asked to come outside to help. >> feel terrible for the woman and two children. >> did they find the children? i didn't even know. >> they found them. they found them dead. >> it's a tragedy, of course, absolutely. shouldn't have been on the road. >> a lot of people are and they look for help. >> there has nothing i can do. i'm not rescue worker. if would have been outside, i would have been dead. >> the two toddlers are among 88 people who lost their lives in the storm. 37 of those deaths were in new york city. >> when the lights went out, we heard a lot of stories. officials from one nyu medical center said he believe thousands
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of mice may have drowned washing away years and years of progress. scientists say the biggest setbacks may be in the field of heart disease and cancer. new tonight a 12-year-old student at central middle school is charged after getting caught with two guns at school. anne arundel school officials said two students told administrators they saw a classmate with a gun on thursday. school resource officers searched the teen's lock are and found the -- locker and found it. and october may be over but weconnect 57600
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maryland, it's time. time for marriage equality. question 6 strengthens protections for our churches and guarantees the civil right to commit to the one you love. while there are those trying to divide us, presidents obama and clinton stand with us. pastors, business leaders, newspapers, democrats and republicans are all coming together for question 6. because it's about fairness-- treating everyone equal under the law. and who could be against that?
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message.
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early voting in maryland comes to an end in a few hours. voting centers close at nine. all week we've seen polling places, some people waiting several hours just to cast their vote early. question circumstance the civil marriage prodid six, the civil marriage. it's not only a battle over individual rights but a battle over religion and what the word marriage means in our culture. ♪ love and marriage >> you can't have one without the other or so the song says. same sex couples have plenty of love but without marriage, they don't have equal protection under the law.
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that, they say is discrimination. >> they think about wanting to spend the rest of their life with somebody and they think about marriage, their friends and family standing around and celebrating the love and commitment that they have with them and their partner. that's what it's b question -- about. question six is about treating them equally. >> reporter: it's got a lot of weight. a family of a man and a woman and a children is locked into the psyche of our tv. it's about prop propagating the species. they said it can only be accomplished with a man mary -- marrying a woman. >> it predates government. it has served society very well. marriage has been around for
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quite some time. should we be redefining it. >> reporter: yeah, there are economic questions, but the essence is what you believe. the leader for the catholic church do not like the fact of same-sex marriages but union nip tarns -- unitarians embrace. that the question everyone as to answer is what they believe. this has brought in heavy hitters of all fair. the faith community is split with members of the same faith interpreting things differently. >> there was a time hour ancestors were denied fairness and quality under the law. >> if you love jesus and you want to uphold the word of god, you must vote against this law -- question six.
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you must stand up for your faith. >> we're definitely not trying to feet god. there are a lot who are still deeply rooted in their faith. they understand question six has nothing to do what happens in church. it's about gay and lesbian couples being treated fairly and equally. >> we should be able it give rights and been fits for gay and lesbian couples. that's fine. we need it make sure that the core stays intact. we already understand what the metrics are right now. it's not good. we don't need a further degradation of families. they don't value that institution. >> reporter: so what does the ballot language say?
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it protects clergy from having to perform marriages. it protects businesses that provide marriage services who refuse service to same sex couples. each side said the other stretches the truth a bit when this comes to the ballot language. >> this is not about hate for us. this is about respecting the voice of everybody and saying hey, look, there are groups who do belief in marriage, who do believe this should be fundamentally defined. >> making sure their church, their clergy will not be forced to marry a gay and lesbian couple. even in the language it's clear that every religious institution has the right to define it. >> reporter: voters are given a choice that's not so easy. few issues have people thinking about church and state and where it should take them. question six is also responsible
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for some of the biggest spending in the state. funding has flooded to both camps but it doesn't come close to what's being spent on question seven. we'll learn more rote now on conditions improving across our state, with one exception, the mountains. points west of frostberg where our camera settlement garrett county, heavy wet snow bringing down the trees. the maryland national guard and efforts to get everybody out. they don't have power and eat in the mountains in western maryland r--- heat in the mountains of western maryland. havre de grace, where the river is starting to come down now, we like to see that, basically a
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mostly cloudy scenario. winds are west at 17. enjoy that. we all know starting sunday that sun set will be close to 5 pment winds from the west 15 to 20. gusts around 26. it is prease and chilly. temperatures falling. across the region a few clouds settling in. the last remnants of sandy projected to keep drifting north. a southern system but a we expect that to stay sou of maryland. that will allow for sunshine. it will keep things cool. we really don't see this chilly northwest flow changing much over the next couple of days. there will be clouds mixed with sun both tomorrow and into sunday and into monday as well. right now, again, just the chance of an isolated showers
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from that continued spin, that wraparound way up into canada. yes, next week, a potential, potential nor'easter with rain and a little bit of snow. tas comes wednesday and thursday, we'll see what happens. just realize toward the middle of next week there could be rain, wind and snow showers. tonight 37, code and breezy -- cold and breezy. breezy and cool. don't for get this sunday, of course, to set those clocks back one hour. zoo forget to check -- don't forget to check the batteries. we're going to fall back right on queue. sunshine through sunday, again, falling back and then into election day projecting dry voting weather, not so bad. temperatures not moving much. tough to get a warmup going.
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sandy as shifted and changed -- has shifted and changed our weather pattern. >> won't it just die? we just really want it to die and go away. sandy is dieing a slow death. the change out of canada, that's going to stay with us awhile. >> it's one of sandy's lasting gifts. that was fantastic. all right. parents or feeling stressed may get a bit more hang shuls after hearing -- anxious after hearing this. a survey shows a level of a parent's stress is connected to their children's weight. more specifically, the researchers found parents feeling more stress were much more likely it have everweight children. some health experts believe the connection could be the result of busy parents who turn to fast food more often to feed their families. >> when parents are very, very stressed, are they going to go
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home and think about preparing a meal, maybe stop at grocery store and come into their kitchen? no, they're going to go to that fast food. >> the doctor recommends making children a part of meal planning including taking them to the grocery store. well, we all dream of winning the lottery, really, really big money. >> but we never imagine collecting our money have the surveillance video runs on the news. that's what happened to this lady. >> a time honored tradition that always comes with a file. but is this worth a penalty? find out. music: guitar, clapping and whistling throughout.
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multivitamin coming in. on it chief! look alive people! smooth and steady guys. everything on schedule down here? yep, pretty regular. nice job. keep it strong. thanks. onward and upward! vo: launch your day. ...with the multivitamin made with 26 fruits and vegetables plus extra b-vitamins... ...for energy. alive.
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start feeling it.
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check out this video. a driver crashes an suv into a gun store and jumps out with three other men to rob the place. turns out the suv was stolen, too. they left it behind. officers say it was still running when they got to the store. one los angeles mom owes her daughter a serious raise in allowance. the woman bought a winning ticket months ago but had no idea she won and lost track of it. turns out she had won $23 million but lottery officials couldn't identify her. a last-minute attempt to find her, they found surveillance video and her daughter happened to see it on the news. toilet papering things. in this case students did it to themselves. apparently this is a school tradition. each year after their basketball team scores the first basket of the season, the tp starts
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flying. well, it earned them a technical foul. it happens every time they do it but they took home a win anyway. that ballot question has some taking a gamble. >> we all know yoga is good for the body and soul but a about your face? we'll introduce you to face yoga. >> will we see the chill really getting intense? will it get colder?
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an upde to the breaking news we first brought you. the investigation into a sexual assault. a woman was sexually assaulted while out running at fells point and right now they have no suspects. baltimore city police held a
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news conference said they are working with the


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